Packaging & criteria

Foster income

Fostering income is allowable where it is likely to continue for at least 5 years from the start of the mortgage. It will be weighted at 100%.

Where fostering represents the applicant’s primary source of income (i.e. where 50% or more of overall income is derived from fostering) the applicant will be treated as self-employed and self-employed criteria apply. There should be a 2 year track record of fostering.


Packaging guidance:


  • Letter from the council or fostering agency which confirms the amount and that this is ongoing for the foreseeable future,
  • Latest month’s invoice, and
  • Latest month’s bank statement showing payment


Reference: (Lender)

Date: (Date)

(Your name) has been fostering through (name of council or agency)for (number of years) years.

They received (insert income) in fostering allowances from 05/04/21-06/04/23

They received (insert income) in fostering allowances from 05/04/22-06/04/24

They are currently in receipt of (insert income) every (insert frequency) and care for (insert number of placements)placement/placements.

We do not currently see any reason that this will not continue for the foreseeable future.