Packaging & criteria

Deposit boosters

Visit the deposit booster page on our website for more information about the deposit booster proposition.

Deposit boosters help with the deposit in return for a protected financial interest in the property.

This is done through an interest-free loan or an equity loan. Loans can be converted into a gift at any time.

An interest-free loan is a straightforward loan – you get back what you put in.

With an equity loan, the booster's stake increases or decreases in line with the property value.

A booster’s capital is ring fenced to preserve a first-time buyer’s stamp duty status.

We provide the deposit booster legal agreement free of charge and manage the loan repayment.

There is no maximum number of deposit boosters for a mortgage application. Deposit boosters do not need to be UK residents, however, funds from the deposit booster must come from a UK-based bank account and be in the UK for 3 months prior to funds being released.

Deposit boosters must take independent legal advice (ILA) at their own cost before signing the deposit booster agreement.

Requirements for a deposit booster:

  • Contact details (phone number, email and full name)
  • National Insurance number
  • Date of birth
  • Latest 3 years of address history
  • Details regarding deposit contribution, including amount, source and terms (specifying interest-free or equity stake)
  • Proof of identification and address

Checks we carry out (KYC):

  • Fraud
  • PEP, sanction and media checks
  • Address
  • Identification
  • Source of fund checks (where required)